Natural Spider Control

How to Keep Spiders Out of Your House Naturally

Get rid of spiders in your home for good with these natural and effective solutions. Say goodbye to creepy crawlies and hello to peace of mind!

Get Rid Of Spiders Naturally In Easy Steps

Spiders can be a common problem in many households, especially during the autumn months when they start to seek shelter from the colder weather.

While some species of spiders are harmless, others can be dangerous and pose a threat to your health. In this article, we'll be discussing how you can keep spiders out of your house in a natural and effective way.

If you do have concerns please take a look at our article about spider bites in the UK.

Understanding Why Spiders Enter Your Home

It's important to understand why spiders enter your home in the first place. The main reason is to seek shelter from the cold weather and to find a place to build their webs.

Spiders are also attracted to homes that have a lot of insects, as this provides them with an ample food supply.

Seal Up Entry Points

The first step in keeping spiders out of your home is to identify and seal up any entry points. Spiders can enter your home through small cracks, gaps and holes in your walls and windows.

6 Common places spiders like to live include:

  • Gaps around light fittings
  • Gaps around cables and pipes
  • Holes in mortar and render
  • Gapes in and around ventilation bricks and vents
  • Weep holes in masonry
  • Gaps around window and door frames

You can use silicone caulk or weatherstripping to fill in these gaps and prevent spiders from entering your home.

Keep Your Home Clean and Tidy

Spiders are attracted to cluttered and messy homes as they provide the perfect environment for them to build their webs and hide. To prevent spiders from entering your home, it's important to keep it clean and tidy.

Vacuum regularly, sweep floors and dust surfaces to keep spiders at bay.

Use Natural Repellents

There are several natural substances that can be used to keep spiders out of your home. Some of these include vinegar, lemon, eucalyptus, and lavender.

You can mix these substances with water and spray them around the areas where spiders are likely to enter your home.

Keep Outdoor Areas Tidy

Spiders often enter homes from outside, so it's important to keep your outdoor areas tidy.

Cut back any bushes or trees that are close to your home, remove any piles of leaves or debris and make sure to clear any cobwebs that may have formed.

Remember that a happy spider is a spider with food! If you make the environment non-conducive for the spiders prey, you will make it less likely that spiders will thrive in and around your home.

Use Essential Oils

Essential oils such as peppermint and citronella are effective in keeping spiders away. You can add a few drops of these oils to a spray bottle filled with water and use it to mist the areas around your home where spiders are likely to enter.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, keeping spiders out of your home can be done naturally and effectively by following the steps outlined above.

By sealing up entry points, keeping your home clean and tidy, using natural repellents and essential oils, and maintaining outdoor areas, you can keep spiders at bay and maintain a spider-free home.New paragraph

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